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Thalasso (Greek: Sea) uses the power of the sea with its enormous quantity of trace elements, vitamins, proteins, minerals and amino acids, which are contained in seawater, sea salt, sea algae and sea mud.

According to Chinese lore, people have already used algae- and sea water cures 5000 years ago. Hippocrates (460 - 377 B.C.) treated rheumatism or sciatic patients with seawater as well.

Bath cures belonged to some of the oldest medical forms of treatment among the Greeks, Romans and Egyptians. In the occident, algae treatments were first mentioned in 1750. The English physician Richard Russel treated skin diseases with algae. In 1792, first algae treatments were performed on the island of Norderney. And finally, in 1861, Empress Eugenie had hospitals built, in which sea treatments were to be carried out.  

2 Items found
26.50 € including TAX, shipping costs excluded

Micronised Marine Algae, 10*40 g

Refining - Revitalising
46.80 € including TAX, shipping costs excluded
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